Daher Foods - Our Principles
Our Principles
- Our dream is what motivates us: To become the best snacks company in the Middle East.
- Our people are our most precious assets.
- Our people thrive and are worthy of freedom. They are self-aware, self-motivating, self-disciplined and most importantly self-improving. We highly value curious people who learn rapidly and eagerly.
- We hire people that are better than us, we train them, we challenge them and retain them. We believe that losing great talents is a sin.
- We lead by example, in both great and small gestures in the company’s day to day activities.
- Our consumer is our boss. We will always strive to serve our consumers better.
- We will constantly set the bar higher and will never be completely satisfied with our results. This is our competitive advantage.
- Name, reputation and brands are precious assets that take decades to build and days to destroy. We take our decisions accordingly.
- We are paranoid about costs and expenses - the only two variables under our control - in order to ensure our long-term strength and survival.
- We always think in the long-term, but smartly separate what needs to be done well now, and what can be improved later.
- We believe common sense and simplicity are the keys to great success, as opposed to complexity and sophistication.